
While I have been plugging away on knitting projects, my ‘day job’ is still driving me crazy, so I’ve not taken the time to photo-document WIP.

Instead, I’m taking a quick break to share with you this cool video about Hexaflexagons, which appeals to my current state of mind.

Quite entertaining presentation of something that is probably a complicated math principal of some sort.  Enjoy:

Behind the Scenes – Avengers

I did not grow up with comic books, though my husband did, and he’s great for explaining the back story of these movies.  I loved the Avengers movie – and most of the contributing movies that built up to this movie.

I also love the ‘behind the scenes’ segments that show how these block-buster, computer-graphics-intensive movies were made.  For me, it increases the magic and wonder of the movies to show the incredible imagination and work to seamlessly integrate “real” and “fantasy.”

This clip shows how the tide-turning scene in the great battle scene of the movie was put together.  I found it fascinating – I hope you enjoy it, too.

Her Morning Elegance

My knitting front has been derailed by my “day job” – lots of legal work to wrap up before the end of the year (or even the end of the week!), so I’ll leave you with this charming video by Oren Lavie called “Her Morning Elegance.”  It is filmed completely in stop-motion, took 3,225 still photos and two days (though it took 4 weeks of work on a computer animation storyboard for the video).

You can learn more about the artist and the video at Oren Lavie’s MySpace blog:  Everything You Wanted To Know

Joy of Books

I’m trying to finish up a few projects before the holiday next week, and my daughter has my camera, so I’m using this as an excuse to take a short break from blogging.

Meanwhile, catch this wonderful video from Type Books, located in Ontario, Canada.  It’s a whimsical piece about what happens in bookstores at night, and calls to mind my imaginings from childhood about what inanimate objects do when humans aren’t watching.  Enjoy.